Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Destrukcija Stvarnosti - s/t LP

Destrukcija Stvarnosti ("Destruction of reality" in english) was formed at the beginning of the year 2006 in Varaždin, Croatia. 20 songs of fast, crusty hardcore with screaming vocals and political lyrics! This LP was released by DHP Ak-47 records and distribution in 2007.


1.Budi svoj
2.Tuđi svijet
3.Posljednja iluzija
4.Sve ovisi o tebi
5.Početak ( vašeg ) kraja
6.Stvaran život
7.Stvarnost je drugačija od njihove istine
8.Stanje bezvrijednosti
9.Pojedinci i njihova neograničenost
10.Žrtva države
11.Novi početak za vračanje prošlosti
12.Prividna sreča
13.Svijet u očima nevinih
14.Ispod vanjštine
15.Ideje prošlosrti za još veči razdor
16.Daleko od mene
17.Probuđena svijest
18.Razočaran nad onim što vidim
19.Teško je odbaciti prošlost
20.Započeti danas

Destrukcija Stvarnosti - s/t LP


Nish said...

Hey my friend...
Here you are Russia Bombs Finland:


Nish said...

Cool stuff you have here.Never heard of before.
I'll get a lesson lol

Sabotage said...

yep, these are some nice bands from the Croatian diy scene. I'm from Croatia btw :) and yea, i asked you if you have the RBF compilation because i wanted to give it to you, but thanks anyways mate :)

Juraj said...

ante pa RBF imaju svi :) haha :) gle ovaj lik neki ustaša :D